richtextbox selected text color richtextbox selected text color richtextbox selected text color
  1. richtextbox selected text color code
  2. richtextbox selected text color windows

You can then handle the LinkClicked event to perform the tasks associated with the link. If the text within the control contains links, such as a link to a Web site, you can use the DetectUrls property to display the link appropriately in the control's text. For example, you can initialize the Rtf property to a string that contains the text to display, including the RTF codes that determine how the text should be formatted. You can also initialize the RichTextBox control to data stored in memory. The Find method is overloaded to find both strings of text as well as specific characters within the text of the control. The RichTextBox control also provides features for finding strings of text. Similar to the LoadFile method, you can also use the SaveFile method to save to an open data stream. The SaveFile enables you to save a file to RTF or ASCII text. You can also load data from an already opened data stream. The LoadFile method enables you to load an existing RTF or ASCII text file into the control. The RichTextBox control provides methods that provide functionality for opening and saving files. You can also adjust paragraph formatting by setting the SelectionIndent, SelectionRightIndent, and SelectionHangingIndent properties. To create bulleted lists you can use the SelectionBullet property. The SelectionColor property enables you to change the color of the text. You can also use this property to change the size and typeface of the text. The SelectionFont property enables you to make text bold or italic. Once a setting has been made to a selected section of text, all text entered after the selection is also formatted with the same settings until a setting change is made or a different section of the control's document is selected. Only selected text can be assigned character and paragraph formatting. To change the formatting of text, it must first be selected. The RichTextBox control provides a number of properties you can use to apply formatting to any portion of text within the control. The text within the control can be assigned character and paragraph formatting. Text can be assigned directly to the control, or can be loaded from a rich text format (RTF) or plain text file. richtextbox selected text color

The control also provides more advanced formatting features than the standard TextBox control. With the RichTextBox control, the user can enter and edit text. RichTextBox1.SaveFile("C:\MyDocument.rtf", RichTextBoxStreamType.RichText) RichTextBox1.SelectionFont = New Font("Verdana", 12, FontStyle.Bold) RichTextBox1.Find("Text", RichTextBoxFinds.MatchCase) RichTextBox1.LoadFile("C:\MyDocument.rtf") RichTextBox1.SaveFile("C:\\MyDocument.rtf", RichTextBoxStreamType.RichText) RichTextBox1.SelectionFont = new Font("Verdana", 12, FontStyle.Bold) RichTextBox1.LoadFile("C:\\MyDocument.rtf") RichTextBox richTextBox1 = new RichTextBox() RichTextBox1->SaveFile( "C:\\MyDocument.rtf", RichTextBox1->SelectionColor = Color::Red richtextbox selected text color

RichTextBox1->SelectionFont = gcnew System::Drawing::Font( RichTextBox1->Find( "Text", RichTextBoxFinds::MatchCase ) RichTextBox1->LoadFile( "C:\\MyDocument.rtf" ) RichTextBox^ richTextBox1 = gcnew RichTextBox The example also requires that an RTF file is created, in the root of the C drive, containing the word "Text." public: richtextbox selected text color code

This example requires that the method created in the example code is added to a Form class and called from the constructor of the form. The example code finishes by adding the control to its Form. The following code example creates a RichTextBox control that loads an RTF file into the control and searches for the first instance of the word "Text." The code then changes the font style, font size, and font color of the selected text and saves the changes back to the original file. Inherit TextBoxBase Public Class RichTextBoxĬlassInterfaceAttribute ComVisibleAttribute DockingAttribute Examples Public class RichTextBox : type RichTextBox = class In this article public ref class RichTextBox : System::Windows::Forms::TextBoxBase public class RichTextBox : richtextbox selected text color windows

Represents a Windows rich text box control.

 richtextbox selected text color